Memorial Day: Share their name to remember & honor

Today we honor the fallen, to all the Military Service men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country and to fight for our freedoms.  I am opening up this blog today to all of you who know someone who made that sacrifice.  Let’s make this day...

3 things I change for summer carry

Switching from Winter to Summer Carry Temperatures are starting to finally level out here in Ohio.  And by “level out” I mean the temperature swings are staying between 60˚ to 90˚ instead of 10˚ to 40˚ like this past winter.  With the warmer temperatures my clothing...
How the NeoMag Began Part 1: The Inception

How the NeoMag Began Part 1: The Inception

It’s the early 2000’s, I’m in my early 20’s, I still have a head of hair, and I’m newly married. I decided it’s time to get my concealed carry license and prepare myself to protect my wife and eventual family.  It would be years I would have my conceal carry license...